
meeting of experts on data elements and automatic data interchange معنى

  • اجتماع الخبراء المعني بعناصر البيانات والتبادل الآلي للبيانات
  • meeting    n. لقاء, دعوة, اجت ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • experts    الخبراء; خبراء
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • data    n. حقائق, معطيات; ...
  • elements    العناصر; بسائط; عن ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • automatic    adj. أوتوماتيكي, آ ...
  • data    n. حقائق, معطيات; ...
  • interchange    n. تقاطع طرق, تباد ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. meeting of experts in labour statistics معنى
  2. meeting of experts on alternative ways to mark the end of the united nations decade of disabled persons معنى
  3. meeting of experts on an african network of basic scientific institutions معنى
  4. meeting of experts on cooperation between youth movements and national liberation movements in southern africa معنى
  5. meeting of experts on coordination of standardization of fresh fruit and vegetables معنى
  6. meeting of experts on east-west joint ventures معنى
  7. meeting of experts on environmental impact assessment معنى
  8. meeting of experts on environmental monitoring in antarctica معنى
  9. meeting of experts on environmentally sound technologies for small and medium enterprises معنى
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